When developers have large data in text box then it is not possible to insert into a database table.
So you can use the below code to write to a text and save file path in the database. So to read
a file use the below code by passing the file path.
Design View:
Code Behind:
//.....Below Method is for writing data from a textbox to a text file.
protected void WritingToTextFile()
//.....Generating a file name.
string concatstring = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy")+" "+DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString()+""+DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString()+""+DateTime.Now.Second.ToString()+""+DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
string fname = concatstring+".txt";
string filename = "D:\\"+concatstring+".txt";
//.....FileInfo class is for creating file.
FileInfo fnew = new FileInfo(filename);
//.....StreamWriter class is for writing text to the text file.
StreamWriter sw = fnew.CreateText();
protected void ReadingTextFile(string sFileName)
string sframedata = "";
string datas = "";
//.....StreamReader class is for Reading text from the text file.
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("D:\\"+sFileName);
while((datas = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
sframedata += datas;
txtTemplate.Text = sframedata.ToString();
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