Thursday, July 30, 2009

Silverlight DataGrid Paging

Silverlight DataGrid does not have the built-in paging facility. So here is a small piece of code to implement paging in Silverlight DataGrid. For this custom paging
Calculate the number of pages based on total number of records and page size
Add those many buttons to a container like StackPanel and
On those buttons click events bind the DataGrid to desired range of records.

1.Define the following Properties and Variables
public partial class Page : UserControl


//Property to hold the value of total records

public int TotalRow { get; set; }

//Property to hold the value of page size

public int PageSize { get; set; }

//Number of rows that the DataGrid

int totalRowsInGrid = 0;

2. Initialize the values public Page()



//Initialize the page size

PageSize = 10;

//Get the desired data

user = User.Get();

//Set the TotalRow cout to the number of rows returned for data

TotalRow = user.Count;


DoPaging(this.PageSize, TotalRow);


3. Create a method to get the desired range of data based on page number///

/// Returns paged data based on page number




private List GetData(int pageNumber)


int Pagestart = (pageNumber - 1) * this.PageSize;

TextBlockStartPageNumber.Text = (Pagestart+1).ToString();

TextBlockEndPageNumber.Text = (Pagestart + totalRowsInGrid).ToString();

TextBlockTotalRecords.Text = TotalRow.ToString();

int i = TotalRow;

List PagedData;

//List PagedData = user.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize) as List;

//List PageedData = FullList.Skip((PageNumber - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList();

if ((i - ((pageNumber - 1) * this.PageSize)) >= this.PageSize)

PagedData = user.GetRange(Pagestart, this.PageSize);


PagedData = user.GetRange(Pagestart, (i % this.PageSize));

return PagedData;


4. Bind the DataGrid///

/// Bind grid to the desired range of records



private void BindGrid(int PageNumber)


if (this.PageSize * PageNumber > this.TotalRow)


totalRowsInGrid = this.TotalRow % this.PageSize;




totalRowsInGrid = this.PageSize;


dataGridPaging.ItemsSource = GetData(PageNumber);


5. Write the click event for the paging buttons///

/// Handles the click event of buttons having page numbers




void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


Button btn = sender as Button;

int iPageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(btn.Content.ToString());





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